St. Paul's Catholic Primary School

Wrap-Around Care

St. Paul's offer on-site Wrap-Around Care, both before and after school.

We are delighted to have both a Breakfast Club and After School Club at St. Paul’s, where children can relax and play with children from all years in a safe, secure and happy environment. Our provision is run by St Paul's staff members and former pupils; thus fostering a sense of community and ensuring all attendees know everyone well. 

We can offer a flexible capacity for this club. Therefore, we can accept all applications for places and ad-hoc sessions. 


Opening at 7.45am, our Breakfast Club is a great way for the children to start their day. Whether they spend their time at the art table, reading a book in our cosy corner or playing outside with their friends, they will be offered a healthy breakfast and a chance to get ready for their school day. 


Running from 3.30 to 6pm, our After-School Club is always a hive of activity.

Children can choose from art and crafts, imaginary play, archery, baking, jewellery making, jigsaws, board games and construction toys. The children also have use of the school's gym and Trim Trail, and the opportunity to complete homework. 

A snack is also provided between 3:45 – 5:30pm.

If you would like to request a space for your child at one of our Wrap-Around Care sessions, please complete a booking form and submit this to the office at

Outside of school hours, we have a dedicated telephone line for the club. 02083987149