St. Paul's Catholic Primary School

St Paul's Parents' Association

Hello, and welcome!

St Paul’s Parents’ Association (SPPA) includes all St Paul’s parents as Members, as per our constitution.

We also have a small group of volunteers that are committed to raising funds and strengthening our school community.

We invite you to please consider joining the committee. All are welcome (there is no scary interview process!): just turn up to the next meeting, and you will see for yourself. We ask that during your child’s time at St Paul’s, every parent takes time to join the committee, at a time that is right for you. New committee members can join at anytime. Our aim is simple: to provide valuable resources to the school which otherwise wouldn’t be available – and have lots of fun in the process!

Every year, with the help of the whole parent body and staff, SPPA organise a packed programme of events: some for children (including the school disco, Christmas Fair and Summer Fair) and some just for the grown-ups (such as the Summer Ball and Quiz night)!

We are always looking for new ideas and events to raise money, so please get in touch if you have a good idea.

We really rely on the full support of all parents at the events SPPA organise. Events are always published on the school calendar, so please save the dates in your diary.  If you can lend a hand, please do - and most importantly come along and have fun.

There are many ways to help contribute. SPPA is a registered charity called “St Paul's (Thames Ditton) Parent’s Association”: registered charity number 1130128. Many companies participate in the Match Funding scheme, whereby companies match the funds raised at an event where an employee was involved. A significant amount of funds have been raised so far in this way. Please get in touch with SPPA committee if you think your company may participate.

We are always looking for donations: prizes big or small, that could be used in auctions or raffles, sponsorship and advertisements.

Wishing everyone a very happy and successful time at St Paul's! See you at the events!

Love from your SPPA team.

Please find below our constitution.SPPA Constitution 



Chair: Kate Hudson


Treasurer:  Hannah Connell


Please contact us via your class representative or email: