Please see a list of our policies and procedures below.
Hard copies of these, and other policies, are available from the school office upon request.
- Accessibility Plan
- Anti Bullying
- Anti Bullying Child Friendly Information by School Council
- Anti Bullying Parent Information
- Attendance
- Behaviour
- Behaviour Principles Statement
- Charging and Remissions
- Child Protection and Safeguarding
- Children with Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School
- Curriculum Learning Assessment
- Data Protection GDPR
- Early Career Teachers ECT
- Equality Diversity and Inclusion
- Exclusion
- Freedom of Information
- Healthy Eating Guidance
- Online Safety and Technology
- Photography at School
- Privacy notices primary age pupils
- Relationships Sex and Health Education RSHE
- Religious Education
- Searching Screening and Confisction
- Separate Parents Guidance
- St Pauls Complaints Procedure
- Supporting Children and Young People with Medical Conditions