St. Paul's Catholic Primary School

Helping in our community

Developing our pupils’ holistically is vital, and having them engaged as young members in our community instils strong character values while encouraging learning about the joys of giving up of their time in an act of kindness and service to others.

During the school year, we support both local and international charities, including the Elmbridge food bank, Save the Children, Missio and African Vision Malawi. 

We also support our local community. Year 5 & 6 children help at Our Lady of Lourdes soup kitchen each month. 

Over the year we enjoy singing within the local area. 

Pupils embraced the coziness of pyjamas, all for a heartwarming cause!  Led by the School Council, we raised £293.11 in support of a local charity, 'Children's Hospital Pyjamas', along with donations of over 30 sets of brand new pyjamas, which were gifted to a local children's hospice.





African Partnership    

We are thrilled to be starting a partnership with Kakoma Primary School in Malawi through the charity African Vision Malawi.

The children at St Paul’s are really excited to be learning all about where Malawi is and to hearing about and seeing pictures and videos of what life is like for the children there, both at home and in their school.

We look forward to developing our friendship with Kakoma over the coming years; as our children are inspired to create wonderful resources for them to use in their lessons, and to share information with them about life in the UK.

We will also be raising money to help to provide some of the essential resources which are desperately needed in their classrooms.

You can find out more about the Surbiton-based Charity at the following link: