St. Paul's Catholic Primary School

Religious Education

Religious Education is at the heart of our curriculum, enriching and informing all areas of learning with the light of the Gospel, teaching children to seek the truth which is of God, in the whole of creation, in themselves and in others.

Please find below our subject curriculum map.
Subject on a page 


The Bible is fundamental to the teaching of Christians and we use the stories from the Bible in order to learn about the past events, but also the people of God. Understanding these aspects from the past, help to educate us about how we can live our likes to praise God, especially following the example set by Jesus.


Prayer is a central and ever-living part of our school day. Through prayer, we seek to deepen the children’s relationship with God in a way that is relevant and meaningful to them.

We feel that at every stage the children in our care should be encouraged to spontaneously express their joy, wonder, awe, concern, thanks, sorrow, sadness, anger, fear and disappointment through prayer.

Prayer forms an integral part of all assemblies and liturgical celebrations. There are moments of quiet reflection or guided meditation throughout each day.

Each class has their own prayer table, which is a focus for the children’s prayer and children are encouraged to develop their own personal prayers at the beginning of every R.E. lesson. More formal prayers are shared too, such as morning and evening prayers, as well as grace before meals.

Staff and Governors pray together before every meeting, and at the beginning of every term.

We are supported by our local parish, The Catholic Parish of The Holy Family, which combines Our Lady of Lourdes, Thames Ditton and Holy Name, Esher. This is led by Father Sebastian.


Mass is celebrated in Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church on Holy Days of Obligation and on other special occasions involving the whole school. During the year, key stage 2 visit the church for Monday Mass on a rotational basis. Parents and parishioners are always welcome to attend these services.

We also have access to the church for additional space for R.E. lessons and to teach the children more about the church building and practices and the artefacts within.  

After receiving their First Holy Communion during Year 3 and up to Year 6, the children take a full and active participating role in the Mass. When children from our parish and surrounding parishes have completed their First Holy Communion programmes, we come together as a school to celebrate with a special whole school Thanksgiving Mass.

A number of children go on to share their faith through being alter servers, partaking of these duties for school masses as well as at the weekends.


Within school, the children share assemblies together, with focuses on the Sunday Gospel, Church activities, worship, celebration and class liturgies. The Gospel assembly and the class liturgies are led by the children. In the class liturgies, the children have researched passages from the Bible and share their understanding of the passage with the other children, leading the prayers, reading and the meaning of this.

Within school, we are transitioning from the old “Come and See” curriculum to the new Religious Education Directory. This is guided and supported by the Diocese of Brighton and Arundel. Within both curriculums, we learn about the stories of the Bible through the Bible text, songs, Godly Play, pictures and paintings.

The children are taught how the aspects of the Old Testament have significance for the New Testament, and at the end of every lesson, reflect on what they have learnt and how this can impact the children in their own lives.


We believe the children of St. Paul's should learn from, as well as about, other religions. The children will learn that other people pray, fast, celebrate, worship and go on pilgrimage. These are all ways that people can live out their faith in actions. They will come to appreciate the reverence shown by people of other faiths for holy places, holy people and holy books. They will come to recognise the differences between the faith traditions. They will grow in appreciation of the religious and spiritual dimension of life. Their understanding of their own faith and the ways in which it is expressed will therefore be affirmed, enriched and challenged to grow.

Year 4 visit the Hindu temple in Neasden and Year 2 visit the Shah Jehan Mosque in Woking.