Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) education is at the heart of everything we do at St. Paul’s. Through assemblies, playtimes, PSHE lessons and wellbeing sessions, we endeavour to develop the whole child; helping to shape global citizens of the future.
The Department for Education (DfE) refers to PSHE as, ‘an important and necessary part of all pupil’s education’, one that we believe is vital to help them to develop socially, mentally and physically.
Throughout the academic year, we participate in various whole-school initiatives, for example, ‘Odd Sock Day’ to celebrate uniqueness during Anti-Bullying Week, and ‘Dress to Express’ to celebrate personal identity during Children’s Mental Health Week.
British Values are promoted at the start of each year, reminding pupils to be kind, fair and responsible members of society, whilst preparing them for their future in modern Britain. Below are some examples of work from Year 2 and Year 6.
Our tailored PSHE curriculum is supported by the PSHE Association, and our Relationships Education (RSE) is delivered using TenTen resources. This curriculum intertwines statutory teaching of RSE, as well as non-statutory content about careers, economic, well-being and personal safety.
Please find below a full overview of our PSHE plan
Please find below our subject curriculum map
Personal Social Health and Economics PSHE Curriculum Map
Subject on a page
Anti-Bullying Child-Friendly Information by School CouncilSt Paul's Protected Characteristics Statement