St. Paul's Catholic Primary School


‘Geography is the subject which holds the key to the future.’

Michael Palin 

At St. Paul’s we teach our children to be ‘outward looking’.

We want them to look with questioning eyes at the world around them.

We want them to develop a curiosity, a love for the world they live in, and a respect for the people, cultures and animals that inhabit it.

 When our children leave our school, they go into the world as informed and active citizens.

Our teaching curriculum detailed below reflects our understanding that knowledge development and fact retention must go hand in hand with the accquisiton of fieldwork skills in order to help our children to develop into effective geographers.

Geography in EYFS

In the Reception classroom, we explore the natural world and the change of seasons. We learn early map work and positional language. The children are exposed to stories and songs from a wide range of different nationalities and cultures.

We love learning about other countries.

We have drawn a map of our town.

Geography in Key Stage 1 and 2

Our Geography teaching in Years 1-6 follows the Rising Stars curriculum, which offers a broad range of engaging and interesting topics covering many aspects of both human and physical geography.

The topics are linked to one another so as to build on previous knowledge and skills and to ensure the progression of learning.

For example; studies of our locality become studies at a national and then at an international level.

We study questions such as; what is it like where we live, where does our food come from, and what is it like in the Amazon?

Studies of local weather become studies of extreme weather, which become studies of climate change, and sustainability.

We study questions such as; what are seasons, how is our country changing and how will our world look in the future?

 We travelled ‘around the world’ on our whole school ‘Geography Day.’

Year 4 children entering the earth’s crust at the Natural History Museum.


Please find below our subject curriculum map.

Geography Curriculum Map

Subject on a page 

Subject on a page - Geography



Kids National Geographic

Google Earth

Flash Earth

BBC Bitesize KS2

BBC Bitesize KS1

Geography 4 Kids