Admissions Policy
Please find below our Determined Admissions Policy and Supplementary Information Form for 2024-25
St Paul's Thames Ditton Determined Admissions Policy 2024-25
St Paul's Thames Ditton Determined SIF 2024-25
Please find below our Determined Admissions Policy and Supplementary Information Form for 2025-26
St Paul's Thames Ditton Determined Admissions Policy 2025-26
St Paul's Thames Ditton Determined SIF 2025-26
Notice is hereby given in accordance with legislation that the governing body as the admission authority for St. Paul's Catholic Primary School is formally consulting on its proposed admission arrangements for the school year 2026-27.
The six-week (minimum) consultation will begin on Wednesday 20th November 2024 with the closing date for submitting comments being Friday 3rd January 2025.
The proposed arrangements (admissions policy and supplementary information form (SIF) can be viewed below.
St Paul's Thames Ditton Draft Admissions Policy 2026-27St Paul's Thames Ditton Draft SIF 2026-27
Comments on the proposed admission arrangements should be sent by the closing date (latest midnight on Friday 3rd January 2025.